DR RootKit
An IA32 Debug Register based rootkit (last updated: 9/4/2008 SHA1: 2048f537ab3459b21150c2d0b09a042737758d39)
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UpPriv 1.0
A Windows utility for letting users run programs as a high privilege if it matches a certain hash.
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Ply 1.4 C
A modified version of ply version 1.4 (current is 2.2) used internally by MOSDEF.
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A Python utility for recovering typelib data, similar to Matthew Chapman's "muddle" program. Especially useful when a contractor has delivered a server but forgotten to include the interface file.
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A Python library that will disassemble X86.
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When you need to analyze a new network protocol for buffer overflows or similar weaknesses, the SPIKE is the tool of choice for professionals. While it requires a strong knowledge of C to use, it produces results second to none in the field. SPIKE is available for the Linux platform only.
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Not all web applications are built in the same ways, and hence, many must be analyzed individually. SPIKE Proxy is a professional-grade tool for looking for application-level vulnerabilities in web applications. SPIKE Proxy covers the basics, such as SQL Injection and cross-site-scripting, but it's completely open Python infrastructure allows advanced users to customize it for web applications that other tools fall apart on. SPIKE Proxy is available for Linux and Windows.
Note: that SPIKE Proxy requires a working install of Python and pyOpenSSL on Linux. This is included in the Windows distribution
Download for Linux | Download for Windows | Access SPIKE Mailing List
Unmask was released in 2002 as a demonstration of how to fingerprint users based only on their emails or IRC postings.
MOSDEF is a next generation exploitation tool. As a pure-Python C compiler, it offers advantages other techniques don't.
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The original environment variable fuzzer for Unixes that support loading a shared library. (AUTHOR: Dave Aitel. License: GPL)
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